"I have just spent the last 16 weeks working with Ryan and it has been absolutely amazing! I had just come back off my honeymoon and seriously overindulged! I had 16 weeks before another holiday and went to Ryan and asked him to work with me over this period.
My goal was to get as lean as possible whilst trying to build and retain muscle. I really just wanted to see what I could achieve if I put my mind to it and with the right guidance. Ryan suggested having a goal of a photoshoot...what an amazing idea! We worked hard on increasing my strength in the first phase. I really enjoyed this but sometimes struggled mentally as although I was getting stronger I wasn't getting any leaner.
I trusted Ryan as he always talks so much sense and explains things so you understand. He structured different training phases and nutritional plans and I think the results speak for themselves! So glad I trusted him as I was really happy with my strength and muscle gains as well as obviously leaning out. I loved (almost) every minute of my time with Ryan and I could not recommend him highly enough! He is extremely knowledgable but always learning and he passes this on so you understand why you are doing what you are doing. He kept me sane at the end when it got tough and was always there whenever I needed him. Suppose I could have just summed it all up be saying what a fantastic PT!"
Leanne Hurst
"It’s now just over 18 months since I started training with Ryan, and from the 25 stone I started at in September last year, I’m currently weighing 14 stone. As the time has gone on I’ve seen and felt a dramatic increase in my physical performance, strength and endurance.
I’ve also experienced a massive boost to my energy levels within day to day life and without Ryan’s help I don’t think I could have archived half of the results I have today. When I’m training with Ryan he encourages and motivates me to put in that extra rep and give every workout 110%.
The workouts he provides are tailored to your needs and goals and always bring the best out of you and leave you with the satisfaction that you’ve done a decent and worthwhile session at the gym. It never gets easier but as the weeks turn into months you will feel stronger and see massive improvements in yourself. I still cannot recommend Ryan enough to anyone with the will to change and the desire to achieve their goals and ambitions. “
Chris Wilkinson
"I've been training for about 2 years now and always did a bit on the weights and a bit of cardio and ate pretty healthy but never really saw massive changes in my body! It was frustrating and to be honest I felt like I was wasting my time. It wasn't until I started training with Ryan did I notice huge changes. He set my own unique training program with a new nutrition plan that made me accountable for what effort I put in. He was consistent in his coaching and asked weekly for diet plans and updates on training. He also did regular review sessions to track my progress with my body composition and to highlight areas which I needed help with. He advised on vitamins and supplements which would help me reduce stubborn fatty areas and also improve my overall health! I have to say I have never looked nor felt better in my life!!
If you are serious about getting fit and changing the way you look you need to engage with a good PT who knows their stuff and Ryan certainly does! I am a working mum of two who suffers with loose skin having had two pregnancies and ryan helped me reduce the loose skin and tone my stomach ! He also made my nutrition plan and training program to suit my lifestyle! It wasn't easy to cut out alcohol and sugar but my hard work coupled with the ongoing support and guidance from Ryan made it worthwhile and rewarding! If you are serious about making changes to your lifestyle and your physique you need professional advice and support!! Massive thank you to Ryan and his knowledge, you gave me the health and the physique I've always wanted! Super PT!!"
Sarah Reilly
"I started training with Ryan 10 weeks ago after being fed up with not seeing the results I wanted in the gym. I’d seen so many videos online about what to eat and how to train that I didn’t know what was effective and what wasn’t and felt like I was at a standstill with my training.
Ryan has been really helpful with putting more structure in my diet as well as identifying foods that agree and disagree with my body. I now feel a lot more knowledgeable about how the food I eat affects my results from the gym and I’ve not only seen an improvement in my physique but also in my skin and my general mood. I have a busy work schedule often working abroad and travelling but Ryan offered good advice on how to stick to my diet as much as I can during these periods.
I’ve really enjoyed the 10 weeks of workout plans in the gym. I’ve been pushed really hard by Ryan which has resulted in me feeling much better about myself as well as getting much stronger in the gym, I now have a lot more confidence carrying out a lot of new and different exercises. Ryan has also been a big help in explaining why certain exercises should be performed in certain ways or what the key benefits are to them which has aided my understanding massively. Working with Ryan has massively improved my self confidence and has provided a clear direction of how to achieve the results you want in the gym.”
I’ve seen more changes in my body in the past 10 weeks than I have in years of going to the gym!!"
Ella Crabtree
“Last September I started training with Ryan in a bid to lose some of the stubborn fat around my waistline, my legs and generally tone up. What I achieved with Ryan's help was far more than this! I am amazed now at what I can lift, push or press! I think the difference between the before and after photo is showing the results. Using weights and various exercises, following Ryan's recommendations on nutrition and keeping to the eating plans my overall strength and fitness improved so much in a short space of time that I was able to perform exercises I would never have attempted on my own.
Each workout, nutrition and eating plan is tailored to you, so you can achieve exactly what you have discussed. Ryan has a very good way of getting more out of someone! I have benefitted by becoming stronger, leaner and have much better posture. Ryan has a vast knowledge about nutrition, he is very dedicated and he's keeping up with the latest educational courses to give the best to his clients. I can’t recommend him enough! Thanks Ryan Garnett! I'm looking forward to work with him again for a longer period of time.”
I’ve seen more changes in my body in the past 10 weeks than I have in years of going to the gym!!"
Szilvia Huszar
"I’d like to say how completely over the moon I am with the result of the training program I have worked on with Ryan over the last 2 months.
All the goals we set out to achieve we accomplished. I put on the muscle mass and massively improved my posture which proves that in as little as 8 weeks of hard work, determination and the right guidance you can achieve your goal.
If anyone was to ask me how best to lose body fat or gain muscle mass I’d tell them to speak to Ryan. I did and my body is the best it’s ever been.
Thanks Ryan"
Carl Mullineux
“Ok so I’ve trained for over 8 years on and off. I’ve always been in decent enough shape but never took it really seriously and only watched what I ate before holidays and even then I didn’t take it too serious. A few weeks ago I lost all motivation and began training only a couple of days a week and felt lazy and depressed about the shape I was in.
I knew Ryan knew his stuff as I’ve seen the transformations he’s done so thought I’d have a chat and see what he could do for me. Since then he’s sorted my nutrition and had it all planned out for me. I can honestly say I feel ten times healthier and a lot better in myself. Looking forward to seing how far I can take it in these next few weeks with Ryan.”
Joe Nolan
"Since I’ve been training under the guidance of Ryan I have lost over 18% body fat and gained more muscle mass than I ever have throughout my years of training.
My body composition has also completely changed.
He has taught me so much in this time with regards to training correctly and nutrition, as well as helping reprogram my mindset and improving both my physical and mental health.
I can honestly say I’ve never felt better, fitter or stronger! Plus i nearly have abs which for me is something i never thought was possible. Ryan is a 6 star stand out PT who is always learning and investing in both himself and his clients"
Ric Caesar
“These pictures are not about a physical transformation, they are about a journey from a dark place to what is now a bright & optimistic future.
The support & encouragement from friends both old & new over the last 10months has been incredible & has got me through some challenging times, they have also added to the challenges when in-particular cake, biscuits & chocolate have been involved. However, there is one person in-particular I want to say a massive THANK YOU to. We have definitely had our moments & challenged each other on a number of occasions, on a number of levels, I have called him every expletive you can imagine but it's always meant in the best possible way. Those that have witnessed such exchanges of banter, know it always ends in shared laughter, once my pain & discomfort is over.
He has been unwavering in his belief in me & what I can achieve, encouraged & supported me 24/7, helped me overcome challenges that didn't exist at the beginning, given me the tools I needed to help myself, helped me become a more confident, happy & contented person, become a close & trusted friend, led me to having the physical & mental strength to take back control of my life, to move forward positively & be a better & happier person & that is both indescribable & priceless.
He is of course Ryan Garnett and I cannot wait to see what the exciting & challenging times ahead will bring. It's time to uncover the beauty & unleash the beast in me.
Fleur Harker
"I regularly train and compete in Crossfit. Heavy lifts have always been an area of weakness for me but I had hit a point where I was not only not getting any stronger but I also seemed to be moving backwards. Several life and work changes in quick succession had also left me struggling to find routine, my healthy habits had taken a hit and I had gained excess weight as a result.
I knew I needed a kick up the arse and some accountability to get back on track. I had seen Ryan’s work on Facebook and could tell he knew his stuff from his client transformations and also the strength building techniques he was using.
It’s been great to have accountability with my diet. It’s so much easier when it’s all set out for you. I am back to eating well, I have dropped a lot of the excess body fat and I’m feeling healthy. Ryan also gave me a lot of advice on improving my sleep. This is still a struggle at times but with the supplements and changes he advised I have seen a huge improvement. This has made a big improvement to other areas of life and how I feel on a day to day basis.
Best of all I have seen increases to my strength, hitting PB’s and performing well in heavier workouts. I am looking forward to seeing how far this can go."
Heather Singleton
"I started training with Ryan towards the end of October 2015 after my own attempts at fat loss (lots of treadmill and eating very little!) had wrecked my metabolism and left me "skinny fat".
I'd always been intimated by the weights and machines in the gym, unsure of how to use them and not wanting to embarrass myself trying to lift something I wasn't able to, so I made an appointment with Ryan for a chat and to give him an idea of what I wanted to achieve and over what timescale.
At 45 and someone who'd never been "in shape" I thought I'd set him the challenge of getting me a six pack by Glastonbury, end of June 2016. I was doubtful, he said it wouldn't be a problem as long as I followed the nutrition and training plans he would set me, so we began.
First off, Ryan is an excellent trainer, and his knowledge of nutrition is amazing, the things I've learnt about how the body works and processes nutrients has been invaluable and will be a great benefit going forward. Knowing what to eat, and when to eat it is 90% of the battle.
His constant encouragement over the 8 months when things invariably got tough kept me going, and the 4 week bio print reviews and nutrition plan / workout plan changes kept things interesting and showed me that things were heading in the right direction.
Going forward, although I won't be training with Ryan as often (I did two sessions per week with him), I am still going to get him to review my nutrition and body fat / weight on a monthly / 6 week basis as I aim to now increase muscle mass whilst eating "clean" and maintaining my low body fat percentage.
Overall, for anyone thinking about body composition, then I would highly recommend you speak to him and tell him your goals, you won't be disappointed with the results if you're prepared to put the effort in too.
Thanks again Ryan.""
Darren Moore
“After a going through a tough period in my personal life, I’d lost my way with fitness and my health and I’d put on 2 stone. I’d decided to contact Ryan after seeing some of the impressive progress reviews on his Facebook page. It’s been the best thing I’ve done to get myself back to where I wanted to be.
Training with Ryan has been great! We started with a complete assessment on my fitness and diet, which Ryan tailored my gym programs too. Each change of gym program has seen my fitness and strength continue to improve.
The changes to my diet which Ryan recommend has helped so much. Ryan knowledge and advice about diet, has been a big part to my progress.
Ryan’s knowledge and expertise has been great. It’s Definitely been worth every penny!”
Shelley Audis-Riddell
"We joined the gym to get fitter and lose weight primarily as we had a family wedding in ten weeks. It wasn't long before me and my wife realised we needed some guidance.
We approached Ryan having noticed him working in the gym with other clients and we also visited his website.
Ryan agreed to take us on; the challenge was to make a difference in ten weeks. Ryan tailored a diet and exercise programme for us and both achieved one and a half stones weight loss before the wedding.
We continue to work with Ryan and both of us have lost two stones and are considerably fitter and stronger. Ryan is very encouraging and always approachable not to mention accommodating (my wife works irregular shifts) . We are also impressed that Ryan keeps up to date with his education by attending courses and therefore improving his service to his clients."
Peter Davies